Have you ever wondered how the TV directors/producers/writers/whatevers feel about the fan’s or more specific about the shippers?
Well lets find out shall we?
Remington Steele :- granted they obviously did not like their actors much, because they fucked PB around something terrible and cost him a good many Bond years, however they liked their fan’s enough to give them a six episode closure, and they liked their shippers enough to give them some really juicy love scene’s right from the start.
Scarecrow and Mrs King, again, the show’s writers/directors/producers liked their fans, so much so when Ms Jackson got sick they gave us a wedding and a happy ever after, but even before she was diagnosed, we got long looks and bouts of jealousy, a definite something between them right up until the middle of season 2, by the end of that season we knew they were destined to be together, and by halfway into season 3 we were getting the almost kisses, which they frustratingly dragged out until the last episode in season 3, but then again it was worth the wait, when he locks that door and then grabs her with that look in his eyes…. Omg meltdown!
Moving forward, Buffy the Vampire slayer and Angel. Joss Whedon pretended to like his fan’s, his shippers, he gave us a song and dance, played nice with us, wink wink, nudge nudge, I’ll give all my shippers what they want, kiss kiss, and we loved him for it, we absolutely adored him, he was the God of television. He gave us Buffy and Angle, Xander and Willow, Willow and OZ, Willow and Terra, Buffy and Spike, Angel and Cordy, Fred and Wesley. And then he showed his true face, as he systematically destroyed every single ship and gave us…. “I love you Spike,” as he burst into fucking flames and dies… really? FU Joss Whedon!
Star Trek, DSN, Voy, TNG, (Deep Space Nine, Voyager, The Next Generation..:) ) I don’t know if I have enough space on this blog to cover that franchise fully, but the short version is they loved to fuck their fans, sometimes without any foreplay! TNG I love Ryker and Troy, shipped them with a vengeance, and they gave us that ship, in tiny little sips. In the seven seasons of TNG they gave us maybe three or four episodes with a brief moment between them, I loved them anyway. That they finally gave us the ship in the movies is I think only because that particular ship was not to be denied and they wanted their fan’s in the cinemas and that was one way of making sure they went, everyone shipped them.
Every other ship on those shows was squashed, like a squirming bug, they threw the actors together and watched for the chemistry, then they let it play out a little, and then they stomped on it. Worf and Jadzia Dax were amazing together, all the things B'elana and Tom could have been but were not. Which brings me to that ship, yeah it came in, and then they did the unthinkable, they literally turned Torres into a doormat and asshole into an asshole. I didn’t really ship them anyway, I thought the chemistry between her and Chakotay way better and it would have been a hotter coupling, but I was willing to settle for Chuckles and Janeway, which they nearly gave us and then cruelly whipped away, only to sucker punch us with Chakotay and 7of9. So yeah, next time I watch anything Star Trek I’m packing lube!
Moving on to Murdoch Mysteries, another heart breaker. Seriously do the writers not realize how much the fan’s invest in their ships? Or are they truly convinced that we are that fickle no matter who they throw together we’ll suck it up? I think in this instance the PTB just didn’t know or care what the fan’s thought. This particular ship is too close and too painful to go into with more detail, we lived it, we survived it, we mourned it and now we are moving on. But I might add when the awful finale of season 4 aired in the UK, the board exploded with devastated fan’s begging to be told they were not about to be tossed out of a moving airShip to plummet to their shipper death, the one person to offer us hope was the original Murdoch Mysteries authors husband as he tried to calm us down and talk us all off the ledge, telling us that his wife had no say in the episode writing, and that he was sure the writers would save the day in the next season… yeah dude thanks but it’s halfway through season 5 and I still aint watching it!
The Glades, now there again is a show where the PTB love their fan’s. I am adding the producer/director of that series to my “I heart him” list, just as soon as I take the time to find out his name. Hehe. Season 1 right from about the first show, he meets his Callie and it is sparks flying, half way through the season she’s grabbed him and literally gave him such a smooch it turns his brains to mush, you can just see it oozing out of his ears! That continues with an on again off again smooch fest until finally in the finale he bounces her and Oh my, he does it very, very well. Sadly her husband phones and interrupts the morning-after-in-the-kitchen sex. Which is ok because you know season 2 is going to be interesting because of it. And it is, yes it is also extremely annoying, and that is to be expected, the writers are after all mostly men, however the season 2 finale makes up for everything!
Bones, ugh what can I say? Only that HH is absolutely clueless, and loosing more clue by the second! Did he break the moonlighting curse? Ummm well… he just created a whole nuther something, I can’t even call it a curse, it’s more of an Armageddon implosion. It’s as if he wanted to self destruct the show by overdosing the fans on too much sweetness, he’s succeeding.
Now see a lot of people will say Awww how sweet, Bones is Mommy, Booth is daddy and isn’t they just the sweetest things you’s ever did see. They’ll all be lapping up the, I love my baby so much, and if anything happened to that baby I’d die. (Which is a whole nuther rant on my part because to me that sounded like Booth was saying, yeah I dig you fine, but man if anything happened to my sprog… I’d die?) and a lot of them will say Yes! see HH did beat that nasty old curse, while they do an air high five.
But some of us are faster on the uptake than other’s or have a lower tolerance to bullshit, even if it is sweetened with sprinkles on top. And it is bullshit, smelly, over done, lazy ass, piled up to the rafters, shyte. I understand ED was preggers and they had to do something, but frankly, I wish they had done anything but that! I would have been fine with another season of unrequited love, of a slow getting back into each other, after the Hannah disaster, I’d have settled for body shots of ED from the face up, and her spending more time in the lab, as long as they gave us a few tender moments, it did not even have to be total lip locks or sex as long as it moved their emotional story along. What we got was “Booth I’m pregnant, and you’re the father”. It’s like HH prematurely ejaculated all over his fans while we’re all still waiting for the fun to start.
I mean seriously how hard do you have to work to fuck something that good up???
Castle, and here I’m probably going to have D wanting to throw Ninja stars at my ass, bit it is another ship that is sinking fast. Mostly because the BFFF (big fat flabby faddy) is being a dick, and the writers shot themselves in the foot by introducing Detective Hunk… er I mean Hunt into things. My best case scenario? Hunky Hunt call’s our delectable Beckett for help on a particularly complicated murder in London and she leaves the bfff to his bimbo’s and baby face pouting. Maybe just maybe he’ll man up and go after her with a little more effort than… “I love you” while she’s bleeding to death from a bullet to the chest!! I even prefered the neanderthal he was partnered up with last week, purely for “A woman like that, you storm the beaches or die trying!” he’s and ass but I like his style.
I’m very much afraid that while I still love, adore, worship, have confusing possibly lesbian feelings about, Beckett, I am seriously not even liking Castle a little bit, and despite the derogatory name calling, it’s not because he’s gotten a little rounder, it’s simply because as a writer in a cop show he always skated the very edge of wimpy wussyness but somehow managed to make that appealing, now he’s toppled right over into the abyss and IMO no longer compliments Beckett at all, in fact he seems to me just to be a great big baby she has to coddle. AM I’ve had my fill of onscreen babies, for fuck’s sakes macho Castle up!
The Good Wife. For a while there I really thought that maybe my ship on that one would come in, but sadly it’s sinking… or not. They are only on the third season so I can’t really say how they feel about their fans, it all hangs on how they end the season.
See there is a very simple way to tell if the show’s PTB like their fans or not, just watch how they end their seasons. Most of these show’s do not know if they are going to be renewed for another season until long after the last show has been filmed and aired. Which means they have to assume that every season will be their last, and how they end those seasons show us how they feel about us. So far TGW is up for grab’s, they gave us a suspense ending on season 1, the most amazing kiss for season 2, the next two episodes of season 3 will determine if they get my attention next September or not.
Justified is a show that is worth watching, but the only one I want to ship Timothy Olyphant with is me!!
Which brings me to my question..... WHAT THE FUCK DO WE WATCH NOW!!
Hmmmm.... I think it is time to start watching the Glades again!
AntwortenLöschenAND, Castle ship is NOT sinking! I can perve over Inspector Hunk AND ship Caskett! I am still faithful to this ship - but have no problem with Beckett getting a little happiness elsewhere while Castle sorts his shit out. And he will sort his shit out - or I shall never ship again ;) (we all know that is not true)
As for what to watch now? No fucking idea!
Totally agree A, however, I'm not sure CC liked his fan's. Sure he gave you moments but never gave you THE moment, all you got was Scully suddenly preggers and it was Mulders, however before you and D hang me by my pubic hairs... I'll concede and admit I never watched Xfiles so I didn't really ship them :D