Sonntag, 10. April 2011

Agree to disagree?

I see your point Pet.  Yes, maybe entertainment, or the way people are entertained has changed.  I would also say that everyone has a different entertainment preference, which is as individual as they are.  Some are entertained by romance, some reality series, some by documentaries, and I suppose some even by violent gory horrors (like my niece Nik, a.k.a Chainsaw for example).  And some by all of the above.
And, maybe some are just entertained by the sound of their own voice bitching and moaning and shouting “that’s not possible” throughout the film or TV show.  The fact that they simply don’t change the channel, leave the room or read a freaking book (preferably of the non-fiction variety), makes me believe that the constant nit-picking is also part of their personal entertainment?  I am not innocent either!  I love me a good monster horror (or as we call it, a ‘chomp-chomp’ movie), even the bad ones!  In fact, even the really, really, really bad ones!  

I’ll sit and watch some moron running away from a 10 meter long crocodile, until he stops in front of a huge big climbable tree, which he neither climbs nor runs around (to continue his escape), but rather chooses to turn and face the croc, screaming until the croc finally goes chomp-chomp.   And, while this is happening, I’ll be shouting at the TV set, or the moron croc victim in the TV set, to climb the fucking tree already!  And, when he fails to follow my sound advice, I then switch to Team Croc and start begging the crocodile to please finally put ME out of my misery and eat the moron, who was too stupid to know that Crocodiles cannot climb trees!  Then I’ll probably bitch that a crocodile cannot attack from that angle, and the guy’s head could not possibly explode like that, or the brain would not splatter quite in that way.  This is all coming from my vast medical and reptilian knowledge – not!  I just like to swear at the TV – it entertains me :D
I will admit however, that this could possibly be annoying to whoever is sitting and watching the film with me.  Which is probably why it’s best if we never watch a bollywood together huh?  I’m guessing it would definitely annoy you when my eyes self-implode five hours into the movie, simply so that they do not have to endure another dance number right? 
‘we’ll have to agree to disagree’ ;-) (on bollywood, not musicals in general)
But, I do agree that a “shipper moments” post is a GOOD THING!  Love your Booth and Bones tribute.  All good moments, and all worthy of mention!  Will hit you back with a Murdoch Mysteries post in a bit! 
Thanks for picking up the slack while I was off drinking in Stuttgart last night!  Turns out 2 beers and 2 apple schnappies are my limit.  Sad, but true!  It’s good to be home.
Back in a bit,

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