Pet is misery, and I’m the company! True story! Every show I currently ship (all 3 of them), was introduced to me by my sister, and not because she thought I might be intrigued by the medical, forensic and detecting/clue-solving aspects, nor because she thought I might learn something (yes, you can learn from TV – no, really you can! For example, I recently learnt that: should I find myself on a burning boat in shark infested waters, the first thing I should do, before abandoning ship, was to throw the cooler box in the water. No, not to offer the sharks a drink with their meal, or, as I thought, to ensure that I had enough beer to get fuck drunk so I would, A) not care that I am being eaten and, B) have enough alcohol in my system to ensure the sharks suffer a major hangover the next day. But, rather to have something to keep me afloat while fighting off the sharks, which I was to do with whatever weapon I could find (note to self, when going sailing always take a baseball bat and keep it near the cooler box!) Anyway, back to Sister Misery. She got me into these shows so that she would have someone to bitch, moan and cry with when the bastard writers did not allow our favourite couples to have sex! On screen! Often!
It started with Bones. I was quite happy, and ship free (i.e. Misery-free) and determined to stay that way! So much so that I was desperately trying to get into “Supernatural”! It seemed like the safer option as there is no possibility of a ship between the two main characters (not even acknowledging the slash-ship I have heard about. Now, I have nothing against slash-shippers, but in this case the incest factor is unacceptable to me. My ships entertain me, incest does not). Only problem with Supernatural though is that it scared the crap out of me! The scarecrow episode? I am still too scared to drive through any fields or farmland/forrest type areas at night. Then there was the clown episode!!! That was enough to turn me against McDonalds completely! I refuse to go eat anywhere near that Ronald McDonald clown that creepily sits near the playground. Plastic or not, he still scares the McFuck out of me! So, I decided to watch an episode of Bones. Then I watched another. And another (see a pattern developing here?) After about 5 episodes I was hooked! By season 4, I was a major Booth and Brennan shipper. Then along came Spannah, and I refused to watch. I made Pet watch (cos I wanted to know what was happening and when it was safe for me to watch again. And, it seemed like a fitting punishment for her, you know, for making me ship Bones and all!)
Then she started on me about Castle! Again, I refused until I got sick and found myself bedridden with nothing to watch and no interest in holding a book and having to turn pages and stuff! So I decided to put Castle on and maybe catch a nap. I never got to nap because Castle caught me from the very first episode. I found the show to be so well written! The humour, the wit, Nathan Fillion! I loved it. I only started shipping it in the third season though, partly because I was so pissed off with Booth and his complete change of character, and mostly because the flirting between Castle and Beckett was sooooo hot! Of course they brought Dr. InterruptEveryFuckingCaskettMomentYouSwinie in just to get the shippers riled – but I have faith that he will soon become Dr. FuckedOffBackToAfrica.
Finally we get to Murdoch Mysteries. In this case I KNEW what was going to happen! Every time I spoke to Pet she was on about Murdoch Mysteries and how I had to watch it. To give the devil her due (yes, I called you evil!), she was honest and told me she needs company in her misery. So, here I am. I am the company!
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