Montag, 25. April 2011

Ghost Whisperer

I love Ghost Whisperer!  I love it so much that I decided to dedicate tonight’s blog to it – you know, in the ‘spirit’ of sharing the love and all.  I did not necessarily ship it, but I did enjoy the chemistry between Jim and Melinda.  I was not even bothered about the ‘Jim-died-and-jumped-into-Sam’s-body-which-meant-that-Sam-died-and-Jim-became-Sam-but-we-still-saw-him-as-Jim-unless-he-was-looking-in-a-mirror-oh-and-lucky-he-knocked-Mel-up-before-biting-the-big-one” story arc (guess I’m just not that fussy).  The fact that I love it so much was a bit of a surprise to my hubby though, especially since I have a terrible fear of ghosts!  I have a terrible fear of rats too.  If I were ever to encounter the ghost of a rat, or rat ghost, or ghost in rat form (you know what I mean), all hell would break loose!  In my undies!!!
I’ve had my own personal experiences with ghosts, including creaky floorboards and heavy footsteps!  True story!  I was washing the dishes in an old Moth club, which was attached to the back of an old church (right!  Of course it was haunted!), when it happened!  I heard someone approaching me, and when I turned around there was no one there!  It creeped the hell out of me! My heartbeat was racing and everything was trembling, so much so that I had to force myself to calm down. When that did not work, I ran!  I never actually SAW anything and my hubby explained the entire experience away with things like “night air cooling things down... wind... house settling...” Seriously, it was a fucking old house, and it was after midnight! It should have been settled by then (yes, I know the whole ‘materials aging and temperatures causing expansion and contraction’ thing – it was a joke!)  I once threatened to come back and haunt Pet (cruel, but she deserved it!) and she laughed at me!  She said that once I figured out I was a ghost, I would scare the crap out of myself!  She’s probably right.  She still rips me off for asking my mom to accompany me to the toilet after we had watched “the Haunted Mansion”.  And, when that Des’ree song “Life” came out, I immediately noticed, and agreed with, the lyrics.  You know the “I don’t wanna see a ghost, it’s the sight I fear most.  I’d rather have a piece of toast,” part?  I heard that, although that song was quite popular, it was still derided and even won the BBC vote for the ‘worst pop lyric ever”!  Come on BBC, she does have a point right?  Of all the things I would rather be doing than chatting it up with ghosts, having a piece of toast is definitely on that list!  You’re ok by me Des!
Anyhoo, Ghost Whisperer was super cool!  Yes, Melinda did cry a lo-ot, but she was still cute (thank fuck for waterproof mascara huh?).  Jim was cute too!  I liked the way he just accepted Mel as she was! I also loved Andrea, and was really upset when she kicked it! 
So, not much of a post tonight, but I am putting it out there anyway.  The blog has been rather dead (lol!) lately, and since I am holding down the fort while Pet is busy with very important fanfic matters, my lame-o ghostly experiences will have to do!


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