Sonntag, 3. April 2011

Shippers are saps?

So, I was talking to A today, (A, the third member of our trio – or, as I like to call her, the one with THE HAIR!) and she said she cannot get into the Bones or Castle ship!!!  My response, once I managed to get over my utter shock (WTF, who does not ship Bones!!!) was to accuse her of having shipped Mulder and Scully, and therefore removing her right to deny being a shipper!  She hit me back with the „I DID ship M&S, but Mr. Carter, the show’s creator, played with me and my shipper heart!“ Once bitten, twice shy huh?

But, she does have a point!  Take Bones and the entire Spannah (Hannah) that was thrown into the works!  HH did mess us around!  First they blatantly throw the ship at us, with all their deep meaningful eye contact moments, the whole „I’m a gambler, I’m going to grab you and snog you”

and let’s not forget the whole season 5 final „we’ll meet back here in a year blah.. blah… puke“ thing.  Then, they bring them back, only to have him soooo in love with some other woman!  Kind of proving Brennan’s ‚ ‘love does not last‘ point huh?  Then, when they realise that the whole Spannah thing was not working (yes, this is why they got rid of her – totally because Pet was the ONLY remaining viewer), and dump Spannah, they try get back on the viewers good side by burning paper?  Yippee-fucking-skippy! 

But, to get to the point: A was right!  They do mess with us!  I mean come on, the doctor phoning EVERYTIME Castle and Beckett (YUM) get closer, or the whole Julia left cos William could not open his mouth, and therefore gets engaged to some other guy (who apparently can open his mouth, cos he actually managed to get a proposal out of it!) and what do we do? (and by we, I mean me and Pet, cos A has wised up), we keep watching – hoping for a ‘moment’ and then analysing the crap out of it when it does, or when we think it does, happen (the ‘moment’ that is!)

And YES, we know there is more to a show than wanting the main cast members to do the wild monkey dance –(ON SCREEN MR. CARTER) – but it does add to the fun, doesn’t it?  Yes, we watch the show for the mysteries, the solving of the mysteries, and in the case of Murdoch Mysteries, the historical beginnings of forensic science, but we are not here to analyse that – there are so many other brilliant blogs and web sites dedicated to that.  We are here to analyse the other aspect of such shows, the shipper side.  And NO, we do not ship EVERY show!  I personally love Grey’s anatomy, but do not ship a single couple there.  Meredith freaking irritates me – that episode with the “don’t care that you saw your best friend dead this morning, you do not get to cry cos my hubby is on the operating table” thing just made me throw up a little in my mouth!  And I loved CSI (original and Miami) until they forced a ship (Grissom-puke-Sarah), and the Calleigh/Eric ship was totally irrelevant to me.  So, yes it is not always about the ship – but sometimes the chemistry is just too much to be ignored.  And sometimes, or more often than not I allow these series creators to mess with my little shipper heart – especially since I know they are throwing the ‘moments’ my way, just to keep me watching and hoping that Spannah leaves, the doctor returns to Africa or William finally opens his freaking mouth!!!

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