I can imagine that having a sudden infestation of shippers must be quite a scary thing to have, sort of like cockroaches… or terminates.
I mean lets face it, we do tend to throw our collective weights around. We are never shy about voicing our opinions, sometimes going so far as criticizing the writers on every single word and action in every episode.
We know the characters so well we would never allow them to do one single thing out of character, we watch every nuance of body language and expression, often putting our own interpretation on what we think they are thinking and feeling, (and just a question here... who can really tell the difference between deep thought and constipation?). We write letters, blogs, cards and basically make a huge nuisance of ourselves, and OMG don’t you dare mess up on some tiny thing… which reminds me CC…
I mean lets face it, we do tend to throw our collective weights around. We are never shy about voicing our opinions, sometimes going so far as criticizing the writers on every single word and action in every episode.
We know the characters so well we would never allow them to do one single thing out of character, we watch every nuance of body language and expression, often putting our own interpretation on what we think they are thinking and feeling, (and just a question here... who can really tell the difference between deep thought and constipation?). We write letters, blogs, cards and basically make a huge nuisance of ourselves, and OMG don’t you dare mess up on some tiny thing… which reminds me CC…
In the Green Muse, why does Julia ask William if he’s got prophylactics, if she’s sterile? I do not imagine for a moment she thinks he might have an STD and AIDS was not know back then.
So yeah, I can feel a little tiny smidgen of pity for the poor directors that suddenly realize they are tied to a story arc whether they like it or not.
CC “I think its time to bring in another love interest for Murdoch, It will bump up the tension between him and Dr. Ogden and it will be good to move away from that slowly, don’t want to tie him down to one woman just yet.”
Faithful Directorial Sidekick. “Ummm sir.. I hate to have to tell you this but… you can’t.”
CC. “I beg your pardon? This is my show and I can do any damn thing I want.”
FDS (Looking very ill and scared) “Yes oh great one, but ….” (FDS’s looks around fearfully then his voice drops into a shameful whisper) “We have shippers…”
CC “What?”
FDS (looking very red faced) “I’m sorry sir, we tried to keep it a clean sub story but… there was a kiss, and then she was naked and then….” FDS (bows head in utter shame).
HH (wincing and handing FDS a sympathetic bottle of very strong liquor.) “Ouch man, I am sorry. Thought you would be one of the lucky ones, you done for now.”
CC “What the bloody hell are you lot talking about.”
AWM “Relation-shippers, you have heard of them, they were quite the phenomena on that X files show, Chris Carter had a very difficult time of it, he gave in to them in the end but he didn’t do it gracefully and Joss Whedon squashed them by the thousands, just stomped all over them.”
CC (starting to look a little green) “Oh Crap!”
HH (Nodding vehemently) “You said it. There’s no backing out on the ship now, you’ll get letters…” (Shuddering)
AWM (in a conspiratorial whisper) “Best thing you can do is just feed them a little rubbish every now and again, keep them on their toes.”
CC “How do I get rid of them.”
HH (pale and shaking now) “You don’t. Trust me you can’t, and you can’t feed them rubbish for too long they are a clever bunch that lot, you’ll also get emails… lots of emails.”
AWM (Looking very worried now) “And facebook… OMG!”
Yeah y’all better be afraid… be very very afraid!!
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